
Apart from upgraded listings* (options and pricing), we offer multiple other advertising opportunities to promote your business to our visitors throughout the site.

Advertise on all Free Listings pages*:

  1. Top: Rotating Ads (1000×600)
  2. Middle: Rotating Ads (1000×600)
  3. Bottom: Rotating Ads (1000×1000)

Advertise on our Blog Posts*:

  1. Top: Rotating Ads (1000×1000)
  2. Middle: Rotating Ads (1000×600)
  3. Bottom: Rotating Ads (1000×600)

Advertise your Coupon offer:

  • Offer something for free or heavily discounted
  • Coupons are valid until the end of a Quarter (can be multiples)

If you don’t have a banner, we can create one for you free of charge.

For information on banner ad rates, or to get banner adverts created, please call us on 519-787-7612.

* These options are only available to businesses located in Wellington County and Guelph

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For more information about our listings or promotion opportunities, please contact us today!